Book at Sauzéde Cottage

Choose your arrival date
Small groups 5% discount for up to 2 guests
Cleaning fee €20
Adults only No under 18s or infants
Pets No pets at this property

Payment in full is due on arrival.

Bookings are on request – the owner will review your request as soon as possible, and you will be notified by e-mail. The booking is confirmed when payment of deposit or full balance has been made.

Travel and cancellation insurance – we recommend that you purchase a suitable level of insurance to cover cancellation and/or other unexpected events.

Property information – for full details and pictures of Sauzéde Cottage click here.

The e-mail address and other contact details you provide will only be used for the purposes of communication about your enquiry or booking, and will not be shared with any other party or used for marketing purposes.

Any questions?
  • Call us on (UK) 02921 251009
  • Cancellation: 12% refund if cancelled at least 2 days before arrival.